HRH Princess Lalla Salma Inaugurates In Mohammedia Breast And Uterine Cancer Screening And Early Detection Center

Before visiting the facility, Her Royal Highness followed a presentation on the results of the breast cancer screening campaign launched early October and another one on the program of breast and uterine cancer early detection in the region of Great Casablanca.
Carried out as part of a partnership agreement between the Lalla Salma Foundation for Cancer Prevention and Treatment, the health ministry, the INDH, the region of Great Casablanca and the Mohammedia urban commune, the center was built on a surface area of 340 square meters for an amount of nearly 4 million dirhams.
The facility, the first of its kind in Mohammedia, targets around 40,179 women aged 45-69 for breast cancer screening and 6850 peoples for uterine cancer aged 30-49.
The center includes three physicians specialized in radiology, gynecology and general medicine, in addition to two nurses.
Besides the populations of the Mohammedia's five communes, the new center can offer health care to patients in Bouenika and Benslimane. The center comprises mainly a reception hall, two waiting rooms, three check-up rooms for breast cancer screening, three others for uterine cancer, a colposcopy room, a mammography and ultrasound room and a pharmacy. The center can provide up to 6000 consultations yearly.
Launched early October, the national campaign for breast cancer screening awareness raising targeted 500,000 women in the Kingdom of Morocco. The Health Ministry mobilized 3495 general practitioner and 4300 nurses practicing in 2117 hospitals.